via flickr.com*The Killer and (drunken) Incest Man play guitar backstage!
Jerry Lee Lewis | Serge Gainsbourg | Printemps de Bourges | The Killer and Incest Man play guitar backstage
*Private footage never aired (for good reason)
This is the video about that.
"If videos wore clothing, this video would wear a pink ruffled tuxedo shirt under a Leopard skin Smoking Jacket!"
Fucking Serge Gainsbourg - purified, France in 1987.
- *almost as excited as the day I found this and posted it on my last FB profile...and YouTube (both of which are gone). Today after doing research for the two new ones (directly preceding this 'outtake'), and realizing that I was missing their favorite dirty uncle (whose only relation to this private X-rated backstage pussy powwow is the coincidence of being taped from the same sweat lodge)...well, I finally found it stored away...and wrote this:
Serge Gainsbourg and Jerry Lee Lewis purified France in 1987. Mean fucking hair. The Defest jams I never saw in my life, courtesy of a Leopardskin Jacket--fucking drunken eyes, sir...fucked up.
It's about incest and backstage domestics...
and honing the guitar.
It has a pink ruffled tuxedo shirt. Serge is rared up. They offer five shots of the hands in a guild of excess and neglect nor concern with opinions and morals or society.
He was glad to see Elvis dead. He could finally rest.
The fuck-ups were happy to be together in France--all in good humor and improbable.
This video is from a French Fan Club--it has issued clear, and fucking God loves them for its public dissemination, and for its potentiality to summit the anti-legendary heroes, never before seen together, never before heard like this (dialog too real to be concantenated [Late Latin concatn
re, concat
t- : com-, com- + cat
re, to bind (from Latin cat
na, chain)] by Tosches, too exubernt to be invented for the annals of popular music).
- I want to burn in Hell indelibly in the soul of its irreverent lasciviousness. Strong and strange is its innocence, and from their mouths, dare I say it?
"Quintessence, nary more picaresque."
The relationship of these two architects of the dark side--the side of the fucking rock-roll Lethe--should be played nine hours per day in a museum somewhere between lunchtime in Paris and supper in Ferriday, where the price of admission is as padded as the upholstered velveteen cushions on which recumbent children and men over forty comingle in Roman deterioration .
I see you mouthwatering at the thought. Open it with my blessings; connect to its memory; send it to your colleagues with its subtle message impossible to pin down;
tattoo its URL to your bicep or above your butt crack;
force your wife or girlfriend to recite it from memory; commit crimes against nature in its name: illegal cunnilingus,
James Burton Shows How! Hot Lix
hummable fellatio (God-fearing citizens will be exalted in schadenfreude);
revel in its world of "every which way but louche";
thank God you're a fuck-up, and take as its gift its leopardskin coat.
Happiness so small and insignificant never fails a lonely summer night.
Fuck him.
*Jerry Lee Lewis | Serge Gainsbourg (1er, 2e ) Le Printemps de Bourges | 1987
(i also hooked up the other two to the French and English Wikipedia articles on the Bourge Festival if you want to see)
o Le Printemps de Bourges est un festival de musique en France ou les jeunes talents musicaux peuvent exprimer leurs compétences sur scène. Depuis 1977, il se déroule chaque mois d'avril à Bourges (Cher).
* Il a été créé par Daniel Colling, un agent de spectacle, Alain Meilland, chanteur et comédien, et Maurice Frot, ancien collaborateur de Léo Ferré. Ce festival peinera à s'imposer aux Berruyers (habitants de Bourges), qui n'en verront l'intérêt et l'animation qu'au fil des années. Ainsi à chaque Printemps, des milliers de spectateurs viennent dans les salles et sous les chapiteaux berruyers. 80 spectacles, 200 artistes dans une douzaine de lieux sur une semaine proposent les genres musicaux les plus divers. Le Printemps s'enorgueillit de posséder aussi un festival off, véritable festival bis proposant chaque année des centaines d'artistes de rue. Bourges, c'est aussi un tremplin pour les jeunes artistes, et un ensemble d'évènements culturels de grand importance : cinéma, littérature, rencontres en tout genre.