July 31, 2009

Exquisite Bodies - Anatomical Venus - Wellcome


*Please note that the exhibition contains material that some visitors may find disturbing!

Anatomical Venus
'Anatomical Venuses' are extremely realistic models of idealised women. These figures consist of removable parts that can be 'dissected' - a breast plate is lifted to reveal the internal organs, often with a fetus in the womb.

In the 19th century, the anatomical Venus formed the centrepiece of museums and travelling shows of all kinds, and possessed great power to draw crowds. 'Know thyself' was a common phrase associated with the exhibition of such models, suggesting their educational value.

30 July-18 October

In the 19th century, despite the best efforts of body snatchers, the demand from medical schools for fresh cadavers far outstripped the supply. One solution to this gruesome problem came in the form of lifelike wax models. These models often took the form of alluring female figures that could be stripped and split into different sections. Other models were more macabre, showing the body ravaged by 'social diseases' such as venereal disease, tuberculosis and alcohol and drug addiction. With their capacity to titillate as well as educate, anatomical models became sought-after curiosities; displayed not only in dissecting rooms but also in sideshows and the curiosity cabinets of wealthy Victorian gentlemen. For a small admission fee, visitors seeking an unusual afternoon's entertainment could visit displays of these strange dolls in London, Paris, Brussels and Barcelona. This exhibition explores the forgotten history of the anatomical model, which with its unique combination of serious science and fairground horror provides a rare insight into 19th-century beliefs about the body.

Kate Forde, the exhibition's curator, looks at a few of the key exhibits from 'Exquisite Bodies' and discusses one of the exhibition's aims: to show how 2D techniques of representing the body's layers move into 3D form, particularly with the flourishing of waxwork modeling.

~ nichopoulouzo
Wellcome Collection
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE, UK

Exquisite Bodies 2009 LONDON cadavers wax macabre venereal disease tuberculosis alcohol drug addiction titillate anatomical model love dolls sex doll Victorian London Paris Brussels Barcelona 19th-century NICHOPOULOUZO @mrjyn mrjyn @nichopoulouzo