June 20, 2009

Bukowski- Born into This [Trailer: Pat Moriarity Cartoons]

My cartoons are in this trailer. (Don't blink or you'll miss it!) Go rent this movie. Not long before his death, I created some comics interpretations of a few of Charles Bukowski's poems, with his knowledge and cooperation. Via Dennis P. Eichhorn, Buk provided me with poems to interpret. He endorsed and cashed every check. Most importantly, to me, he liked the comics, let me do another, etc. A few panels of our comics are shown in the movie. They are flashed by quickly in the trailer, but the drinking cartoons are from the comic book title called BIG MOUTH. Some of these books are still available here
Another Bukowski comic I illustrated appeared in ZERO ZERO issue one, from Fantagraphics. Another cartoon trivia note about the movie- Eichhorn has some original cartoon art, drawn by Bukowski himself, that appears at the end of the movie.